Thursday, April 1, 2010

TTC WEEKEND BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)

WELL ITS FINALLY HERE!!!! TTC WEEKEND!!!!! TRI-TIBBA CHALLENGE WEEKEND TO BE EXACT!!!!!! Benog Tibba, Top Tibba, and Nag Tibba will ALL be conquered in a span of 2 days!!!!:) Benog Tibba's peak is at 7,835ft, Top Tibba's peak is at 8,536ft, and THE BIG BERTHA Nag Tibba is at 9,917ft!!! So not only is the distance TO them a challenge, but climbing all those peaks will be real fun!! LET'S GO OVER THE CHALLENGE AND RULES!!!!

TTC: To accomplish summit on all 3 peaks leaving from Mt. Hermon and arriving back at Mt. Hermon within 30 hours!!!

-Challenge/clock begins when locking my door, standing up, and taking the FIRST step
-Must reach all 3 peaks and bring back an object proving success on each peak!!
-Can go ANY path to reach top of peaks
-Order of peaks can be any
-Only sleeping stops clock (cannot sleep for more than 8 hours)
-MUST run/hike/walk the entire Challenge (NO WHEELS)
-Challenge/clock stops once I reach my lock and insert key into key hole

Distances from Mt. Hermon to peaks (as the crow flies; meaning straight shot):
Mt. Hermon to Benog Tibba: 5.85 miles
Mt. Hermon to Top Tibba: 4.56 miles
Mt. Hermon to Nag Tibba: 9.52 miles

My order for this challenge will be Mt. Hermon --> Benog Tibba --> Top Tibba --> Mt. Hermon (sleep) --> Nag Tibba --> Mt. Hermon!!! I originally was planning doing Benog to Nag and then Top, buuuuuuut I don't know that route between Benog and Nag and I didn't feel like guessing in my first attempt at this challenge!!!:) And this way I can be home to sleep and don't have to run with a sleeping bag!! LESS WEIGHT!!! Also, ending with Nag I can practice when I go for the record from Woodstock to Nag Tibba as well!! Which Kleiner did back in '97 and he did it in 11hrs.!!! Now I'm pretty sure I won't do that on this one since it is considered practice, BUT to see how close I can get will be pretty sweet!!! If I do break it, ummmmm SURPRISING BUT AWESOME!!!! Well that's about all the info I have for these next 2 days!!!! So while other people are out relaxing in a national park or hiking to a hill a mile away during their quarter break, I'm freakin pushing myself to the physical limit!! OH THERE'S NO OTHER WAY TO DO A BREAK BABY!!!!!! YOU KNOW IT!!!!!!!:) Fresh air, sun, and sweat!! 3 combo's to an amazing break!!!!!! Granted Sunday and Monday I'll be dead to the world, but it'll be WORTH IT!!!!! HAPPY SMILING AND HAPPY BREAK EVERYONE!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. So Finally its time for TTC.
    All the best +Best of Luck !!
    Take Care :)
